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2022 年流行品牌的 50 多個最佳標誌 + 它們的含義和歷史



Apple Microsoft Nvidia Intel Samsung Dell IBM Razer HP Amazon

Top 10 Best食品和飲料標誌

麥當勞 雀巢 星巴克 可口可樂 吉百利 紅牛 好時漢堡王 Baskin Robbins 肯德基


范思哲 芬迪 Gucci 愛馬仕 路易威登 梅賽德斯-奔馳 保時捷 法拉利 Supreme Dior 普拉達


花旗銀行 TD 銀行 Visa PayPal 萬事達卡 德意志銀行 美國銀行 加拿大皇家銀行 摩根大通國際貨幣基金

十大最佳時尚標誌 + 零售商標誌

H&M 沃爾瑪IKEA Target Nike Adidas Nordstrom Vans Shein Zara Ray-Ban



蘋果標誌。圖片來源:Apple Corporation

這個來自 Apple 公司的標誌性標誌是流行媒體中最典型的標誌之一。儘管對於徽標背後的靈感存在某些爭論。無論是艾薩克·牛頓 (Isaac Newton) 發現引力的靈感,還是史蒂夫·喬布斯 (Steve Job) 最喜歡的水果——這個標誌都與簡單可靠的用戶界面相關聯。





使用時間最長的徽標之一(Microsoft 徽標)是在 1980 年代後期設計的,有許多變體。此徽標以窗口為藍本,以幫助傳達技術和計算機如何為用戶提供一個打開的窗口,讓他們了解市場上的不同商業機會。

Microsoft 徽標所基於的 Windows 徽標從這是在 2000 年代由於 GUI 和動畫領域的進步。然而,從Windows 7的發佈到現在Windows 11使用的Windows azure logo,微軟已經在傳統的窗口圖像上折返了。

3. Nvidia

Nvidia 標誌。圖片來源:Nvidia

Nvidia 徽標於 1993 年首次出現。圖形設計師和遊戲玩家最熟悉的是 Nvidia 徽標的關鍵元素是“全視之眼”。 Nvidia 徽標中的眼睛應該代表公司對創新和新技術的不斷追求。

綠色徽標用於包含公司在生產和使用中尋求的成功和增長元素其產品。儘管如此,一些理論認為它暗指 Invidia(羅馬女神,該公司的名字來源於此)。
雖然最初是淺檸檬綠,但在 2006 年後,該公司將顏色調成了更深的色調。



在 2020 年,英特爾失去了圍繞其排版的標誌性漩渦,轉而採用更簡單和簡約的無襯線字體。此舉是為了讓事情變得不那麼複雜,對企業更加友好。在這一點上,新徽標旨在擁有乾淨緊湊的外觀,讓消費者使用起來更輕鬆、更簡單。


5. AMD

AMDA 標誌。圖片來源:AMDA

雖然根據產品和細分使用不同,AMDA 徽標使用兩個方形箭頭形成“A”。 AMD,或者不太為人所知的 Advanced Micro Devices,50 多年來一直保留此徽標。

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此徽標是我們在筆記本電腦上看到的最常見的徽標之一和電腦。儘管多年來未發生重大變化,但 AMD 徽標保留了其旨在傳達的原始創新和大膽的感覺。



對於其徽標,Dell 的目標是忠於其初衷。多年來,戴爾徽標經歷了一些小的變化,但仍保留了看起來像微芯片的方形設計“E”。
徽標周圍的圓圈是 2010 年添加的,有助於將所有內容聯繫在一起。


7。 lBM

IBM 徽標。圖片來源:IBM

IBM 是科技巨頭之一,已經存在了很長時間,順便說一下,它現在的標誌。該公司於 1972 年註冊成立。IBM 徽標旨在傳達公司擴展業務的速度和勇氣。

徽標設計時有 13 個條紋。創建徽標是為了向用戶提供與已經完成的工作不同的整體感覺。


雷蛇標誌。圖片來源:Razer Logo

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Razer 的成立是為了主導市場及其競爭對手。然而,對於一家主要設計老鼠的公司來說,他們認為蛇是主導細分市場的首選動物。

因此,徽標描繪了三條在中間連接的蛇,他們在他們的第一款產品,Razer Boomslang(Boomslang,南非蛇的名字)。為什麼是霓虹綠?令人驚訝的是,這也受到了南非蛇的啟發。



惠普是另一家公司,其徽標多年來幾乎沒有翻新。它是以公司名稱及其創始人 Bill Hewlett 和 David Packard 的名字設計的。惠普標誌旨在看起來簡單,但與營銷性質的信息一起使用。 H 和 P 被包圍在一個圓圈中,通常以藍色顯示,有助於傳達整體的可信度。

HP 是較老的計算機公司之一。它是迄今為止技術領域的常量之一,它的徽標也是如此。



Jeff Bezos 於 1995 年創立了 Amazon。該公司旨在通過其提供的大量以消費者為中心的產品讓客戶滿意。儘管有些人並不為人所知,但亞馬遜標誌有一條從“a”延伸到“z”的線,表示他們為用戶提供從 A 到 Z 可以想像到的所有產品。它也類似於一個微笑,傳達了他們旨在向用戶提供的客戶滿意度。

作為互聯網時代的幾家公司之一,這家 5 大科技公司一直在崩潰中倖存下來在過去十年中主導了電子零售市場。現在這個國際家喻戶曉的名字,這個品牌連同它的標誌在全球家庭中都是可以識別的。

10 大食品和飲料標誌



Richard 和 Maurice McDonald 兄弟於 1940 年創辦了這家公司。但直到 1955 年 Ray Kroc 收購了這家公司並帶來了這個標誌性的快餐特許經營標誌,才沒有人那麼了解這家公司.




Henri Nestle 於 1968 年成立了公司,並利用他家族的紋章作為雀巢徽標的靈感來源。Nestle 這個詞在德語中翻譯為數字巢穴,使用鳥類的圖像提供

直到 1938 年,這個最好的標誌才與文字相結合。此外,正是在 1988 年,我們今天所知道的雀巢標誌的現代版本應運而生。也就是說,多年來,該徽標經歷了許多版本的簡化和進一步現代化,以使其對更廣泛的受眾更具吸引力。







可口可樂標誌於 1886 年使用斯賓塞字體設計,是我們這個時代最具標誌性的飲料標誌之一。弗蘭克羅賓遜創造了這個名字,因為他相信兩個“C”在為品牌做廣告時會很好看。可口可樂標誌在 1940 年代初期變成了我們今天所知道的樣子。




該公司由 William Cadbury 於 1800 年在英國伯明翰創立。這個標誌性的標誌花了一段時間才出現。我們現在知道,在迭代之前,吉百利徽標有多個襯線版本,但沒有一個令人印象深刻。

然而,在 1960 年,該公司最終選定了一個基於威廉吉百利簽名的版本。在此之後,該標誌被修改為我們今天所知道的圓形吉百利標誌的更現代和簡化的版本。



Dietrich Mateschitz 於 1987 年根據泰國能量飲料“Katring Daeng”(翻譯為“紅牛”)創建了徽標。這個標誌性的標誌是那裡最受歡迎的飲料標誌之一。 Logo本身有兩隻公牛,與它所基於的飲料相似,它有紅色和黃色,象徵著毅力和力量。




該公司成立於 1800 年代。這家受歡迎的巧克力公司歷史悠久(充滿了巧克力的美味)。它以其創始人 Milton Hershey 的名字命名。該公司擁有自始至終最不變的標誌之一。

帶有棕色和白色或灰色背景的清晰字體是 Hershey 標誌的標誌性區別。幾個世紀以來(是的,你沒看錯),這個標誌幾乎沒有變化。



它的創立是受到麥當勞 Keith Kramer 和他妻子的叔叔取得巨大成功的啟發,當時他們創造了一條長長的鏈條,這是標誌性的木頭。

雖然徽標過去 20 年一直是我們大多數人所熟悉的充滿活力的一年。二十年後,漢堡王又回到了最簡單的最佳標誌設計。



巴斯金羅賓斯標誌。圖片來源:Baskin Robbins

當談到 Baskin Robbins 標誌時,它是公司歷史上的第三個主要標誌。當前的 Baskin Robbins 可追溯到 2006 年。Carson/Roberts Advertising Agency 提出了徽標和 31 種口味的概念。

因此,徽標演變為 31(暗指 31 種口味) Baskin Robins serves)讓消費者在獲取冰淇淋時有一種有趣的冒險感。在設計標誌時,設計機構在標誌中使用粉色和圓點來幫助激發樂趣的感覺。使用的字體清晰易讀,但也略顯幼稚,以幫助保留冰淇淋帶來的幼稚奇蹟。



Harland David Sanders 上校於 1952 年以 11 種秘密藥草和香料創辦了這家公司。 Lippincott & Margulies 於 1952 年創建了最初的肯德基標誌。肯德基標誌是食品和飲料行業中最受歡迎的標誌之一,可以立即在全球家庭中識別出來。

從那時起,這家快餐連鎖店的創始人桑德斯上校的風格化面孔一直是公司品牌的重要組成部分。 1978 年,同一家機構 Lippincott & Margulies 更新了桑德斯上校的標誌。

10 多個最佳奢侈品標誌




Versace 是最具進取心的奢侈品牌之一,以其大膽的設計和奢華的形象而聞名。在徽標方面,該品牌選擇了希臘神話中神話人物美杜莎的頭像。

Versace 兄弟姐妹小時候玩耍的雷焦卡拉布里亞廢墟地板激發了品牌的製作靈感標誌。 Gianni Versace 之所以選擇美杜莎作為標誌,是因為她讓人愛不釋手。范思哲作為一個品牌,既有文化追隨者,也有忠實的客戶群,進一步證明了這一點。這個美麗的 Versace 標誌是周圍最具標誌性的標誌之一,而且還擁有一群狂熱的追隨者。



兩個 F 的 Fendi 標誌相互倒轉,形成一個矩形。芬迪標誌是簡單的極簡主義,但它並不總是這樣。最初,Fendi 標誌的前身是一隻拿著堅果的松鼠。

雖然乍一聽可能有些不尋常,但這對 Fendi 家族來說意義重大。然而,目前 Fendi 標誌是現代無襯線字體,F 字母為這個奢侈品牌創造了獨特的標誌性標誌。

3。 Gucci

Gucci 標誌。圖片來源:Gucci

“Gucci”一詞代表著卓越和時尚,這也是該品牌如今如此受歡迎的原因。至於徽標,Guccio Gucci 的兒子 Aldo Gucci 於 1929 年起草了該徽標。

在 1929 年之前,該公司一直沒有官方徽標。然而,Aldo 準備讓 Gucci 出名。通過為品牌設計標誌,Aldo 將他父親名字的首字母組合成我們今天所熟知的雙 G 設計。作為時尚界的支柱,這個漂亮的標誌可能是最受高端品牌歡迎的標誌,甚至激發了一些假冒產品。



Hermes 成立於 1837 年,直到 1950 年代才有了我們今天所熟知的徽標。這家法國奢侈品製造商最初生產貴族的馬俱和韁繩。而且,這個品牌的標誌是模仿他們的一輛 Guc 馬車。




路易威登標誌。圖片來源:Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton 自 1854 年開始營業。Louis 的兒子 Georges 創造了標誌以紀念他已故的父親。路易威登是媒體所知的最負盛名的標誌之一,是一個奢侈的品牌,它創造的產品有時甚至升值!

互鎖的 LV 成為市場上最知名的標誌之一。路易威登及其著名的“LV”字母組合是最受認可的品牌符號之一。通常被認為是精英女性最夢寐以求的手提包之一,該徽標是權力和金錢的象徵。



梅賽德斯是市場上最豪華的汽車公司之一。 Karl Benz 和 Gottlieb Daimler 於 1926 年成立了這家公司。這家德國汽車公司與一流和高端的生活方式息息相關。作為最好的標誌之一,梅賽德斯-奔馳標誌是無拘無束的奢華和品位的象徵。

據說這顆星對公司具有雙重意義——它在 1920 年代被採用,作為向戴姆勒家族致敬,他們的父親使用傳統的五角星作為標誌。










9. Supreme

Supreme 標誌。圖片來源:Supreme Logo

芭芭拉·克魯格 (Barbara Kruger) 的設計激發了 Supreme 標誌設計的靈感。這種奢侈品通過炒作文化和互聯網上的流行文化獲得了吸引力。具有諷刺意味的是,芭芭拉(她的作品激發了徽標的靈感)一直希望她的作品得到詮釋和重做,而至高無上的品牌卻通過版權恰恰相反。

它於 1997 年在曼哈頓拉斐特街成立. Supreme 使用類似Futura 的字體,採用簡單的紅白配色。



通過使用襯線字體忠實於奢侈品牌的比喻,Dior 繼續證明比喻是正確的。 Christian Dior 是一個法國奢侈品牌,使用由 Georges Peignot 設計的又長又細的襯線字體。

Nicolas Cochin 印刷的文字指導了排版師,儘管他略微改變了筆劃的形狀。 Christian Dior 標誌具有永恆經典的整體外觀和感覺。



Prada 是意大利領先的奢侈品牌之一。 Prada 成立於 1913 年。Prada 的第一個標誌採用了 House of Savoy 紋章的兩個元素,即紋章和繩索。

Prada 標誌背後的理念是極簡主義和精緻。這個品牌一直是黑底白字。在大多數情況下,金色也是標誌顏色的一部分。品牌名稱具有與以前相同的自定義字體。這個詞由大寫字母組成,於 1919 年被採用。




創建於 2000 年,花旗集團於 1998 年與旅行者保險集團合併,並開始與著名的 Pentagram 機構合作開發新的視覺標識。 Travellers Group 有一個非常引人注目和易於識別的標誌——一把紅色的雨傘,象徵著保護和安全。



道明銀行標識。圖片來源:TD Bank

TD 銀行成立於 1955 年 2 月。它是金融界的標誌性品牌。該銀行的“TD”首字母代表 Toronto-Dominion Bank,因為它是一家加拿大銀行,於 2008 年擴展到美國。


3. Visa


始於 1958 年,VISA 及其徽標在全球的錢包中隨處可見。關於標誌,藍色代表天空,黃色(金色)代表美國銀行第一家辦公室的發源地加利福尼亞州的沙丘。

VISA 徽標是支付和金融領域最突出和最知名的符號之一。



Paypal 成立於 1998 年。這是一家旨在通過支付將世界聯繫在一起的公司。它暗指人們聚集在一起,這是 PayPal 電視廣告的主題。

Paypal 最近的目標是通過實用程序和支付來推動連接的想法,並且徽標表明.



萬事達卡成立於 1966 年,最初是一家通過當時稱為簽帳卡提供信貸的公司。然而,第一批日本合作夥伴於 1969 年晚些時候加入,並引入了一個新標誌,由兩個重疊的圓圈組成。

這兩個圓圈代表國際大國,尤其是東西方之間的商業重疊。自 2020 年起,萬事達卡進行了全面的品牌重塑,並從徽標下方刪除了“萬事達卡”字樣。







美國銀行成立於 1998 年。這是最好的標誌之一,可以更生動地展現個性。 1998 年,新概念和明亮的配色方案被添加到美國銀行的標誌中。




加拿大皇家銀行成立於 1962 年。它推出了第一個帶有紋章圖案的最佳徽標。 That said, only two design elements were retained from the 1901 seal: the lion, a symbol of strength and authority, and the crown to carry out the “royal” symbolism.

9. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

JP Morgan Chase & Co. Logo. Image credit: JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Although JP Morgan Chase & Co. started in 1997, the Bank recently underwent a rebranding that allows it to make use of a plain serif typeface for its logo. It’s still comparatively new when compared to most of the banks in the financial segment.

The title case letters have elegant serif typefaces with medium-weight and elongated serifs that are elegant and polished. J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.’s color scheme is built on black for the letters and blue and white for the emblems. These colors are used in the logo to convey assurance, competence, and security in addition to making it appear serious and professional.

10. Societe Generale

Societe Generale Logo. Image credit: Societe Generale

Started in 1864, Societe Generale is one of the most well-known and respected banks internationally. This French bank uses an elegant and modern logo, which is the trend with most banks.

When management hired Sopha, a design agency owned by the RSCG group, to design a new visual identity, the result was a highly symbolic red and black square. The square evokes solidity, strength, and rigor, while the color contrast indicates the balanced relationship between the bank and its clients.

Top 10+ Best Retailer & Fashion Logos

1. H&M

H&M logo. Image credit: Hennes & Mauritz

H&M is one of the most affordable brands internationally. The H&M logo adopts a casual and slightly carefree script font and embraces red which helps encourage impulsive shopping.

It’s found in metropolitan cities across the globe. As for the logo, Hennes means “Hers” in Swedish. And when Erling Persson bought the Mauritz Widforss in Stockholm, which owned an enormous collection of men’s merchandise, H&M grew to be called such.

2. Walmart

Walmart Logo. Image credit: Walmart

Sam Walton founded Walmart. It’s one of the most iconic retail stores across the US and now is even expanding all over the globe. That said, the Walmart logo is considered to represent 6 sparks.
Each spark is suggested to symbolize ideas, which is what makes the company as successful as it is today. A New York-based design firm, Lippincott, designed one of the best logo we know today, in 2008.


IKEA Logo. Image credit: IKEA

IKEA is a Swedish furniture company. It’s one of the most popular destinations for furniture and furnishing in the USA and several European countries.

The logo was created in 1951, although it was originally black and white, the company in the 70s opted for a color scheme that coincidentally overlaps with the national colors of Sweden.

IKEA redesigned its brand in 2019. The font that IKEA used is called Noto. It is a Sans typeface and looks similar to open sans type. This is one of the best logos that looks simple yet elegant.

4. Target

Target Logo. Image credit: Target

In 1962, when settling on a name for the retail Target on brand, Target’s PR Team came up with over 200 names and Target was the one that took the cake. To be on theme with the name, the logo used was the bullseye for this iconic brand.

Today, Target is one of the most popular retailers in the USA and one of the best go-to stores for affordable clothing types.

5. Nike

Nike Logo. Image credit: Nike

The Nike Swoosh was designed by Carolyn Davidson, a student at Portland State University where Phil Knight worked at the time. This awesome logo represents the ideology of being on the move, and as such as garnered a loyal customer base and following.

The Nike name itself was based on the Roman goddess of victory, and as such, the logo is also seen to resemble a wing, as Nike (the goddess) is often known as winged victory. Other than this, Carolyn wanted to capture action and energy in the Nike logo and the ‘Nike Swoosh’ does just that.

6. Adidas

Adidas Logo. Image credit: Adidas

When it comes to sports brands, Adidas is one of the most recognizable lines of sportswear. The three stripes of the Adidas logo represent a mountain, pointing out challenges and goals people need to overcome. Initially, Adidas added stripes to its running shoes to make them more durable.

Several individuals say that the three lines represent the stripes on the trefoil emblem symbolizes the company’s focus on variety, while the three trefoil leaves stand for three parts of the world (North America, Europe, and Asia) where you can buy its products.

7. Nordstrom

Nordstorm Logo. Image credit: Nordstorm

The current Nordstrom logo is simple and timeless. This Nordstrom logo is one of the best logos that was designed using one of the fonts that are most likely from the Optima family.

The Nordstrom logo has a customized font called the Optima Pro Medium. This font gives a classy look to the design considering Nordstrom as one of the best logos worldwide.

8. Vans

Vans Logo. Image credit: Vans

Vans is a famous clothing company that’s more curated to skateboarders and hipsters. The first logo that the company used was just a printed version of the word VANS. A line extended from the top of the V with ‘ANS’ written in slightly smaller letters underneath it. One of the most popular logos when it comes to clothing and shoes, Vans is a perfect example what an excellently executed underrated logo looks like.

9. Shein

Shein Logo. Image credit: Shein

The Shein logo is one of the classic examples of the fashion industry brand’s visual identity. This logo uses a monochrome color palette, which is a perfect choice for the company working with clothing and accessories.

This sans-serif wordmark’s clear, simple lines and acute angles give it a modern appearance. It displays the organization’s dependability and professionalism, emphasizing quality while giving consumers access to trends. The Shein monochrome logo exudes professionalism and power while also conveying assurance and knowledge. It also has a modest and iconic appearance.

10. Zara

ZARA logo. Image credit: ZARA

The very first logo for Zara was created in 1975 and featured classy and chic serif lettering. This brand uses a monochrome color scheme in most of its branding material. All capital letters of the brand name’s inscription are solid and perfectly balanced. Generally, this is one of the best logos that does a great job of conveying class and sophistication.

11. Ray-Ban

Current Ray-Ban logo, Image credits: seek logo

Ray-Ban was founded in 1937 by the American company Bausch & Lomb. Ray-Ban is a brand of sunglasses and eyeglasses. The current logo was created in 2007 that gives a retro look. The wordmark appears in white with a red background. The red color attracts attention and gives a fun vibe.

The wordmark has a crimson background and is written in white. Red draws attention and exudes a playful atmosphere. White, on the other hand, stands for elegance, refinement, and efficiency. Utilizing these two hues together, the emblem is given a positive and fresh appearance. The diagonal wordmark communicates dynamism and positive energy in addition to being dynamic and energetic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some tech companies with the most popular logos?

Apple, Amazon, and Windows are likely the most famous logos on this list. These three companies dominate a portion of their respective market segments, and their logos are recognizable worldwide.

What are some of the best logos that are famous for counterfeits?

Gucci, Versace, and Supreme are a few of the companies that are currently famous for counterfeits. These companies have products that are symbols of status, which often leads to consumers buying counterfeits priced nearly the same fairly often.

Can you use famous logos in your blogs or videos?

Yes! Provided these logos are used for commentary or information and commentary or information only, both your blogs and videos are protected under laws of fair use.

What are some common logo traits for luxury brands?

Most luxury brands make use of serif fonts and simple logos that comprise serif typography or initials. This is due to serif fonts being the typefaces predominantly used prior to the digitization of typefaces, and as a norm, it’s associated with class and maturity. You can check out our article on the best serif typefaces for clean logo design if interested.

How do you pick the colors that go into designing a logo?

Generally, you pick the colors in your logo based on the theme and the impression you want your brand to convey. For example, blue in popular media is associated with trustworthiness, while red is associated with excitement and encourages impulsive purchases.

What are some of the best logos in the retail industry?

Nike, Walmart, Adidas and H&M have some of the best logos in the retail industry. Although technically apparel companies, these retailers have created distinct brand image and have developed some of the most loyal customers till date.

What are some of the best logos in the finance world?

Mastercard, TD Bank, Citibank and Bank of America have some of the best logos that are recognizable almost instantly.

50 Best Logos of All Time & Famous Logos Conclusion

Logos play a vital role in establishing a brand presence, and play a pivotal part in the culture and how consumers perceive brands.

In this article, we listed the most popular brand and best logos in different market segments to help you understand how many of these brands started out and what their ideas are. Plus the logo design meaning and logo design history of each featured logo.

That said, we hope you’re left feeling a little more knowledgeable about some of the best logos from some of the most popular brands out there. Some may even consider these the best logos of all time. At least they are among the most famous logos! What other logos would you add to our best logos list?

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By Kaitlynn Clay

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