




2023 年最適合平面設計師的 16 款相機

Sony A7 III — 最佳相機整體(編輯選擇) Nikon Z6 最佳整體相機亞軍 Fujifilm X-T30 II 最佳超值相機 尼康 D850 最佳 數碼單反相機 松下 Lumix G95/G90 最佳 預算相機和視頻博主的最佳選擇 尼康 Z50 偉大的升級前單反用戶 Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III 最好的全能相機 Canon EOS Rebel SL3/EOS 250D —最適合初學者的數碼單反相機 Panasonic Lumix ZS200/TZ200 — 最好的旅行相機 Olympus Tough TG-6 — 最佳堅固相機
Nikon Z 7II — 最好的高分辨率無反相機之一 Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 II — 最好的 4K 相機視頻 GoPro Hero 9 — 最實惠的移動相機 Canon EOS 5D Mark IV — 最適合設計師的高端相機 Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera — 最佳初學者 DSLR 相機Panasonic Lumix FZ300 — 採用4K 照片技術 的最佳相機

2023 年最適合平面設計師和創意人員的相機是什麼?

Sony A7 III 是平面設計師和創意人士的最佳相機。查看表格,了解其他最佳平面設計相機的比較,然後選擇適合您的相機。

索尼 a7 III ILCE7M3/B 全畫幅無反光鏡可換鏡頭相機,帶 3 英寸 LCD,機身。..松下 LUMIX G95 20.3 百萬像素無反光鏡相機,12-60 毫米 F3.5-5.6 微型三分之四鏡頭,…佳能 EOS Rebel SL3 數碼單反相機,內置 Wi-Fi,雙像素 CMOS AF 和 3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸……松下 LUMIX ZS200 15X 徠卡 DC 鏡頭,帶穩定功能,20.1 百萬像素,大 1 英寸低光……奧林巴斯 OM-D E-M5 Mark III 機身黑色 Fujifilm X-T30 無反光鏡數碼相機,黑色(僅機身)Prime狀態 星級 1,913 條評論 186 條評論 1,319 條評論 748 條評論 247 條評論 532 條評論 Mirrorless Mirrorless Travel Compact Mirrorless Sensor Size Full-frame CMOS Micro Four Thirs APS-C CMOS 1-inch type CMOS Four Thirds Resolution 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS鏡頭 微型三分之四 24-360 毫米,f/3.3-6.4 微型四分之三 236 萬點取景器 236 萬點 OLED EVF 3.0 英寸傾斜角觸摸屏,104 萬點屏幕類型 76 毫米(3 英寸)921600 點 3.0-英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點 3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點 3.0 英寸觸摸屏,1,240,000 點 3 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點 最大連拍率 9fps/30fps 最佳整體 索尼 a7 III ILCE7M3/B 全畫幅無反光鏡可互換鏡頭相機,帶 3 英寸 LCD,機身… Prime Status 星級評定1,913 條評論 無反光鏡傳感器尺寸 全畫幅 CMOS 分辨率 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS 鏡頭取景器 屏幕類型 76 毫米(3 英寸),921,600 點 最大連續拍攝率 最佳預算和最適合 Vloggers 松下 LUMIX G95 20.3 百萬像素無反光鏡相機,12-60 毫米 F3.5-5.6 微型三分之四鏡頭,… Prime Status 星級評定 186 條評論無反光鏡傳感器尺寸 微型三分之四分辨率 微型三分之四取景器 屏幕類型 3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點 最大連續拍攝速率 9fps/30fps 最適合初學者 CANON EOS Rebel SL3 DSLR 相機,內置 Wi-Fi,雙像素 CMOS AF 和 3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸… Prime Status Star Rating 1,319 Reviews Sensor Size APS-C CMOS 分辨率取景器屏幕類型 3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點最大連續拍攝率最適合旅行 松下 LUMIX ZS200 15X 徠卡 DC 鏡頭,帶穩定功能,20.1 百萬像素,大 1 英寸低光… Prime Status 星級 748 評論旅行緊湊型傳感器尺寸 1 英寸型 CMOS 分辨率 24-360mm,f/3.3-6.4 取景器屏幕類型 3.0 英寸觸摸屏,1,240,000 點最大連續拍攝率 最佳全能 Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III 機身 黑色 Prime 狀態 星級 247 評論 無反光鏡傳感器尺寸 三分之四分辨率 微型四分之三取景器 2.36 百萬點 OLED EVF 屏幕類型 3 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點最大連拍率 最佳價值 Fujifilm X-T30 無反光鏡數碼相機,黑色(僅機身)Prime 狀態星級評分 532 評論傳感器尺寸分辨率 2,360K 點取景器 3.0-英寸傾斜角觸摸屏,1,040K 點屏幕類型最大連續拍攝速率

如果您特別需要一台攝像機,請查看我們的最佳 4K 視頻攝像機綜合列表。


1.索尼 A7 III (編輯推薦)

索尼 A7 III。圖片來源:索尼/亞馬遜分辨率: 24.2MP | 取景器: 2,359K 點 | 顯示器:3.0 英寸傾斜角度觸摸屏,921K 點 | 自動對焦: 693 點自動對焦 | 最大連拍速率: 10fps | 電影:4K 30p

現在,索尼的 A7 相機系列在第三次迭代中終於開始朝著正確的方向發展提供一款出色的相機,與全畫幅無反光鏡相機領域的許多競爭對手相比脫穎而出。

該相機的電池壽命長,適合連續錄製和 4k HDR 視頻。除了 10fps 連拍模式外,這款相機還配備了一個 693 點混合自動對焦系統,考慮到相機帶有兩個卡槽,該系統非常強大。

這款相機非常適合拍攝您的設計作品,甚至…跟踪 ➤ 無內置閃光燈 ➕ 4K HDR 視頻 ➤ 密集的菜單系統 ➕ 可靜音拍攝 ➕ 傾斜觸摸 LCD



1,913 條評論 Sony a7 III ILCE7M3/B 全畫幅無反光鏡可互換鏡頭相機,帶 3 英寸 LCD、機身……高級 24.2MP BSI 全畫幅圖像傳感器,帶 1.8 倍讀出速度 15 檔動態範圍,14 位未壓縮 RAW,ISO 50 至 204,800。兼容索尼 E 卡口鏡頭。可以通過藍牙與智能手機連接(自發布之日起)-Android…高達 10fps 靜音或機械快門,帶 AE/AF 跟踪。電池壽命(靜止圖像):約。 610 張(取景器)/約710 張照片(LCD 顯示器),電池壽命(電影,連續錄製):…693 相位檢測/425 個對比度自動對焦點,圖像覆蓋率為 93%。焦點傳感器:Exmor R CMOS 傳感器包裝盒內:可充電電池(NP FZ100)、交流適配器(AC UUD12)、肩帶、機身蓋、附件鞋蓋、目鏡杯、Micro USB 數據線。測光類型:1200區評價測光

索尼A7 III評測

想仔細看看這款精美的相機嗎?看看這個索尼 A7 III 評論視頻:

視頻作者:Dan Watson/YouTube

2. 尼康 Z6

尼康 Z6。圖片來源:Nikon/Amazon


類型: 無反 | 傳感器尺寸:全畫幅CMOS | 分辨率: 24.5MP | 鏡頭尼康Z卡口| 取景器:EVF | 屏幕類型:3.2 英寸可翻轉觸摸屏,2,100,000 點 | 最高連拍速度: 12fps | 電影: 4K

一款出色的全能相機,具有令人難以置信的操控性,目前沒有其他相機可以超越其多功能性、經濟性和可用性尼康的 Z6 – 將出色的靜止圖像和 4K 視頻質量與全畫幅無反光鏡相機必不可少的所有其他功能相結合。

尼康 Z6 提供出色的 ISO 性能和井井有條的菜單。 Z6 還配備了響應靈敏的傾斜觸摸屏。所有這些與輕巧緊湊的機身相結合,使其成為我們列表中最好的相機。

優點 缺點 ➕ 高 ISO 性能 ➖ 單卡槽 ➕ 用於靜止圖像的眼睛檢測自動對焦 ➖ 後置顯示屏不提供旋轉功能 ➕ 12fps 連拍速度 ➤ 顏色可能有點偏紅 ➕ 循環時間快 ➖ 本地鏡頭選擇有限 ➕ 良好的緩衝深度 ➖ 1/200 秒 x 同步速度 ➕ 4K 峰值對焦 ➕ 堅固的構建質量 ➕ 有組織的菜單



銷售 178 條評論尼康 Z6 全畫幅無反光鏡相機機身大型全畫幅 Z 卡口革命性光學性能尼康設計的 24. 5MP 背照式圖像傳感器273 點傳感器上相位檢測自動對焦系統高達 12 fps; 4K超高清視頻; 6K延時; 1080P/120Fps 慢動作兼容尼克爾 Z 鏡頭,超過 360 F 卡口尼克爾鏡頭

3。 富士 X-T30 II

Fuji X-T30 II。圖片來源:Amazon


傳感器: 26.1MP APS-C X-Trans BSI CMOS 4 | 分辨率:162萬點液晶屏|取景器:236萬點OLED電子| 自動對焦:-7EV 僅需 0.02 秒 | 電影:4k

全新的 Fuji X-T30 II 是對原始版本的重大改進,提供了 162 萬點 LCD 屏幕和一些小的軟件/硬件升級。這款相機的構造圍繞第四代 26.1MP 傳感器和 X-Processor 4 作為穩定器。

具有更多 RAM 的更新固件可帶來更好的性能。相機的整體響應能力和自動對焦算法相當不錯,是您攝影事業的最佳選擇。

優點缺點 ➕ LCD 改進, 從 104 萬點面板變為 162 萬點 ➖ 仍然沒有配備專用電池充電器 ➕ 比原來的 X-T30(0.8 毫米)厚 ➕ 增加了 RAM


Fujifilm X-T30 II XC15-45mm 套件-銀色保證圖像質量 X-T30 II 使用 Fujifilm 的第四代 X-Trans CMOS 4 背照式傳感器,旨在最大限度地減少噪音,同時還將感光度擴展到 ISO 160。獨特的結構……在所有條件下都令人難以置信的對焦 得益於 X-T30 II 內的 X-Processor 4 四核 CPU,不錯過任何一個瞬間。它可在短至 0.02 秒內對任何對象提供快速、準確的自動對焦,…高級視頻和成像控制 X-T30 II 是一款真正多功能的成像設備,能夠以每秒 30 幀的速度錄製 4K 視頻,或者1080p 下 240fps,創造 10 倍超級慢動作……觸動你的創造力想像力並激發創造力……為分享而生 X-T30 II 專為分享而生。通過連接 FUJIFILM 相機並下載圖像,使用藍牙或 Wi-Fi 在社交媒體上與朋友和家人分享您的回憶…


4. 尼康D850


每次都能交付的 DSLR 相機

傳感器尺寸:全畫幅CMOS | 分辨率:45.4MP |鏡頭:尼康F卡口|取景器:光學| 屏幕類型:3.2 英寸可翻轉觸摸屏,2,359,000 點 | 最高連拍速度: 7fps | 電影:4K

在目前的情況下,前十名中的許多相機都是無反光鏡的,所以你會認為 DSLR 型號已經在陽光下度過了美好的一天,但 尼康的 D850 不斷提醒人們這些相機有多好。 45MP 分辨率非常適合那些尋求高分辨率和 4K 視頻錄製的用戶,堅固的外殼可以保護它免受惡劣天氣的影響。

唯一讓它在無反光鏡競爭中脫穎而出的因素是電池壽命。每次充電高達 1800 幀,您最不需要擔心的就是電量耗盡。

優缺點 ➕ 出色的動態範圍 (14.8 EV) ➖ 使用光學取景器時,AF點覆蓋有限 ➕ 高 ISO 性能 ➖ 視頻剪輯限制(30 分鐘) ➕ 與前代產品相比提高了 JPEG 圖像質量 ➖ 沒有內置閃光燈 ➕ 快速啟動 ➖ 4K 視頻不支持電子減震和對焦峰值 ➕ 低快門滯後 ➕ 堅固的機身 ➕ 7fps 連拍模式


661 條評論尼康 D850 FX 格式數碼單反相機機身尼康設計的背面照明 (BSI)無光學低通濾鏡的全畫幅圖像傳感器 45.7 兆像素的非凡分辨率、出色的動態範圍和幾乎沒有波紋風險高達 9 fps1 以全分辨率連續拍攝,具有完整的 AF 性能 8k6 和 4k 延時電影具有新的清晰度和細節水平;文件系統:DCF 2.0、exif 2.31、Pict bridgeTilting 觸摸屏、焦點偏移拍攝模式、出色的電池性能等等;總像素:4689 萬

5. 松下 Lumix G95/G90

松下 Lumix G95/G90。圖片來源:Panasonic/Amazon


類型: 傳感器尺寸:微型四分之三 | 分辨率:20.3MP |鏡頭:微型三分之四 | 屏幕類型:3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點|取景器:EVF | 最大連拍速率: 9fps/30fps | 電影:4K

許多想購買新相機的視頻博主應該考慮 Lumix G95。這是一個很好的選擇,可以像拍攝靜止圖像一樣拍攝視頻。輕巧的相機具有出色的靈活性和音質。

G95 設法將許多功能融入其小巧的設計中。使用 4K 分辨率和 24p、25p 和 30p 的幀速率拍攝視頻輕而易舉,同時您可以在相機高速視頻模式下以高達 120fps 的全高清錄製。


優點缺點 ➕ 無限視頻錄製 ➤ 電池壽命短 ➕ 具有 5 軸圖像穩定的雙 IS 系統 ➖ 無 USB Type-C 連接 ➕ 改進的白平衡選項


186 條評論松下 LUMIX G95 20.3 百萬像素無反光鏡相機,12-60 毫米 F3.5-5.6 微型三分之四鏡頭,…關於您的創造力:LUMIX G95 非常適合準備出類拔萃的攝影師,它擁有卓越、強大的 20.3 MP 數字實時 MOS 傳感器和先進的照片和視頻技術多功能和便攜:輕巧的微型三分之四無反光鏡相機採用靈活的防風雨密封,自由角度監視器,隨時準備進行任何冒險; LUMIX G 12-60mm F3.5-5.6 POWER O.I.S.鏡頭…卓越的靈活性:4K 24/30P 視頻捕捉,加上預裝的 Vlog-L,具有 12 級動態範圍的日誌特性,可實現最大的編輯自由度。發送 4: 2: 2/8 位視頻到…最大表達的功能: 實時取景合成模式讓您從多個圖像中合成一個圖像;拍攝後調整焦距;在此攝影相機內沖洗和潤飾 高音質:外部麥克風/耳機插孔讓您使用外部設備錄製和監控聲音

6. 尼康Z50



類型: 無反 | 傳感器尺寸: APS-C | 分辨率: 20.9MP | 鏡頭 Z 接口 | 屏幕類型:3.2 英寸可翻轉觸摸屏,1,036,080 點 | 取景器:EVF | 最大連拍速率: 11fps | 電影: 4K

雖然 Z6 是我們列表中最好的相機,但它的價格可能會讓一些預算較少的人尋找其他答案。輸入 Z50,如果您正在尋找高質量的中檔 APS-C 相機,這是一個很好的選擇,如果您希望從 DSLR 轉換為…出色的取景器和可傾斜的觸摸屏可幫助您拍出精美的照片,這在您拍攝普通照片甚至旅行照片時尤其有用,而且自動對焦系統在拍攝靜態物體時效果非常好。

優點缺點 ➕ 4K 視頻-11fps 連續拍攝 ➖ 單 UHS I SD 卡槽 ➕ 良好的圖像質量 ➖ 沒有內置圖像穩定器 ➖ 300 次電池壽命


28 條評論尼康 Z50 緊湊型無反光鏡數碼相機,帶下翻式自拍/Vlogger LCD,機身緊湊、輕便且結構堅固的無反光鏡相機第一款使用大型 55 毫米鏡頭卡口的 DX 格式無反光鏡相機,在高圖像質量和低光性能方面具有優勢。20.9 MP 傳感器強大的 4K 超高清視頻功能內置 Wi-Fi 和藍牙,可輕鬆與智能手機配對。“Selfie”向下翻轉觸摸 LCD 屏幕,非常適合自拍和視頻博客。

7. 奧林巴斯 OM-D E-M5 Mark III

奧林巴斯 OM-D E-M5 Mark III。圖片來源:亞馬遜


類型: 無反光鏡 | 傳感器尺寸:三分之四 | 分辨率: 20.4MP | 鏡頭:微型三分之四 | 取景器: 236 萬畫點 OLED EVF | 屏幕類型:3 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點 | 最高連拍速度: 30fps |電影:4K

無論你在某件事上花多少錢,你都可能永遠得不到你想要的一切。在相機方面確實如此,儘管 Olympus 的 Mark III 肯定很接近。使用聚碳酸酯外殼,外殼可能感覺比其前身更進一步,但 Mark III 更輕,操作起來也很棒。


優缺點 ➕ 穩定的圖像傳感器 ➤ 塑料外殼 ➕ 包括外接閃光燈 ➤ 充電端口不是 USB-C ➕ 成熟的鏡頭系統


銷售 247 條評論 Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III 機身黑色 20MP 實時 MOS 傳感器便攜式,全天候密封design121 點全十字型片上相位檢測 AFCompact,體內 5 軸圖像穩定(高達約 5.5 EV 步長的補償)50MP 三腳架高分辨率拍攝

8. 佳能 EOS Rebel SL3/EOS 250D

佳能 EOS Rebel SL3/EOS 250D。圖片來源:佳能/亞馬遜


類型: 傳感器 APS-C CMOS | 分辨率: 24.2MP | 鏡頭卡口: Canon EF | 取景器:光學| 屏幕類型:3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸屏,1,040,000 點 | 最高連拍速度: 5fps | 電影: 4K

佳能的 EOS 250D 是適合初學者的最佳數碼單反相機之一,它是世界上最小的數碼單反相機,具有完全清晰的屏幕,非常棒vloggers 的新聞。

憑藉 4K 錄製和相機內置的新處理器作為新功能,24.2MP 傳感器將為您的照片提供額外的東西,並且在您拍攝實時視圖和視頻時,流暢的自動對焦系統將發揮作用。 EOS 205D 具有易於理解的界面和實惠的價格,是 DSLR 的絕佳首選。

優缺點 ➕ 學生的好選擇 ➖ 有限的 9 點自動對焦系統 ➕ 良好的圖像質量 ➖無機身防抖 ➕ 廣泛的鏡頭範圍 ➖ 不兼容第三方閃光燈 ➕ 4K 視頻錄製 ➕ 燈體


1,319評論佳能 EOS Rebel SL3 數碼單反相機,內置 Wi-Fi,雙像素 CMOS 自動對焦和 3.0 英寸可變角度觸摸…最輕、最小的 EOS 數碼單反相機*。24. 1 百萬像素 CMOS (APS-C) 的高圖像質量) 傳感器。快速準確的雙像素 CMOS 自動對焦與眼睛檢測自動對焦。將您的佳能相機變成高質量的網絡攝像頭——了解更多:canon.us/livestream 使用 EOS Utility Webcam Beta 軟件(Mac 和 Windows)將您的佳能將相機變成高質量的網絡攝像頭,或者使用乾淨的 HDMI 輸出做同樣的事情。

9. 松下 Lumix ZS200/TZ200

松下 Lumix ZS200/TZ200。圖片來源:Amazon

The Perfect Travel Camera

Type: Travel compact | 傳感器 1 英寸 CMOS | 分辨率: 20.1MP | 鏡頭: 24-360mm,f/3.3-6.4 | 取景器:EVF | 屏幕類型:3.0英寸觸摸屏,1,240,000點 |最高連拍速度:10fps | 電影:4K

松下以其適合旅行的緊湊型相機系列而聞名,ZS200 延續了這種認可。

這款相機採用經濟實惠的方式封裝了一個 1 英寸的大型傳感器和 15 倍光學變焦,具有內置的電子取景器,如果觸摸屏難以看清,可以幫助您在明亮的條件下看到。雖然有更好的選擇,但 ZS200 是那些沒有大量預算但正在尋找一款出色旅行相機的人的絕佳選擇。

優點缺點 ➕ 與同類型號相比電池壽命更長 ➖ 鏡頭性能慢 ➕ 是體積不大 ➖ LCD 不會傾斜 ➕ 橡膠手柄 ➕ 15 倍變焦 ➕ 9.4fps 連拍


748 條評論 PANASONIC LUMIX ZS200 15X具有穩定功能的 Leica DC 鏡頭,20.1 兆像素,大 1 英寸低光… [更大的 1 英寸傳感器] 20.1 兆像素大傳感器,可拍攝更明亮、更彩色的照片(12800 最大 ISO)。[LEICA DC 15x 鏡頭] 一流的光學變焦性能具有明亮的 F3.3 – 6.4 光圈,可實現柔和的散焦背景效果。 (24-360mm,5 軸混合 O.I.S.+)[創意控制] 場景模式、濾鏡模式,增加創意,而傳統的光圈和快門優先模式允許背景散焦或消除運動模糊。[4K 功能] 4K 視頻 30p,4K 照片, 和 4K Live Crop 將 4K 幀捕捉變成攝影。[電子取景器] 加上觸控式 LCD,可實現更好的控制和更輕鬆的圖像查看。

10. 奧林巴斯Tough TG-6

奧林巴斯Tough TG-6。圖片來源:Olympus/Amazon


類型: 緊湊型 | 傳感器: 1/2.3 英寸 | 分辨率: 12MP | 鏡頭: 25-100mm f/2-4.9 | 取景器: N/A |監視器: 3.0 英寸屏幕,1,040,000 點 | 最高連續拍攝速度: 20fps | 電影: 4K |

根據您的業務,這可能意味著在某些獨特的環境中拍攝照片。當這些發生時,使用智能手機可能不會有好結果。奧林巴斯的 Tough TG-6 是一個不錯的選擇。

TG-6 防水深度達 45 英尺,可承受 100 千克的重量並可從 7 英尺的高度跌落是一台堅固的小相機。能夠拍攝 30p 的 4K 視頻或全高清 120p 的高速視頻。雖然專為水下攝影而設計,但該設計對於那些在陸地上工作的人來說仍然很棒。

優點 缺點 ➕ 4K 和高速視頻 ➖ 12MP 圖像分辨率 ➕ 拍攝 RAW 格式 ➖ 沒有完全手動控制


1,956 條評論 OLYMPUS Tough TG-6 防水相機,紅色防水(50 英尺/15 米),防塵,防震(7英尺/2.1 米),防擠壓(100 公斤力),防凍(14 華氏度/-10 攝氏度),防霧高分辨率 F2.0 鏡頭,最大 8 倍變焦,真 pic VIII,背照式 CMOS 圖像傳感器可變微距系統包括 4 種微距拍攝模式,從鏡頭末端放大拍攝達 1 厘米 包括水下顯微鏡在內的 5 種水下拍攝模式,3 種水下白平衡模式 可以記錄 4K 電影和全高清 120 fps 高速電影。電池壽命-大約。 340 幅圖像(使用 Toshiba SDHC UHS-I Card Exceria,基於 CIPA 測試標準)。約50…

11。 尼康 Z 7II

Nikon Z 7II。圖片來源:Nikon/Amazon


類型: 無反光鏡相機 | 傳感器: BSI-CMOS | 分辨率: 45.7MP | 鏡頭: 24-70mm F4 鏡頭 | 取景器: N/A | 顯示器:3.2 英寸屏幕,2,100,000 點 | 最大連拍速度: 10fps | 電影: 4K/60p

尼康通過 Nikon 推出 Z 7 的又一次迭代Z 7 II 這款出色的無反光鏡相機非常適合專業人士和相機愛好者!憑藉 45.7 MP 傳感器、雙 SD 卡插槽和 4k/60p 視頻錄製功能,這款相機不會讓人失望。

尼康 Z 7 II 配備 5 軸圖像穩定功能,確保照片和視頻不會受到搖晃的手的影響。它具有 10fps 的單點對焦連拍功能,可以捕捉多張高分辨率圖像,這在拍攝照片或捕捉野生動物時非常方便。

儘管尼康 Z 7 II 有一些僵硬

優點 缺點 ➕ 45.7 MP 傳感器確保驚人的圖像質量 ➖ AF 功能可能會更好 ➕ 可以 60 fps 拍攝 4k 視頻 ➖電池壽命有點平庸 ➕ 它具有防濺和防塵功能


銷售尼康 Z 7II 45.7MP 無反光鏡數碼相機,帶 24-70 毫米鏡頭( 1656)美國型號豪華套裝,帶… 此尼康相機套裝包含:尼康 Z 7II 無反光鏡數碼相機(僅機身)+ 尼康尼克爾 Z 24-70 毫米 f/4 S 變焦鏡頭 + 索尼 64GB XQD G 系列存儲卡 + 大型 DSLR相機配件包 +…完美組合:45.7MP FX 格式 BSI CMOS 傳感器-與雙 EXPEED 6 圖像處理器配對-10 fps 的快速連續拍攝速率易於使用的功能:3.2″2.1m 點傾斜觸摸屏 LCD 顯示器-30p 超高清 4K30 視頻錄製-Wi-Fi 和藍牙連接高品質輸出:493 點相位檢測自動對焦系統-原生 ISO 範圍:64-25600-兼容 CFexpress Type B/XQD/SD/SDHC/SDXC 存儲卡高-質量輸出:493 點相位檢測自動對焦系統-原生 ISO 範圍:64-25600-兼容 CFexpress Type B/XQD/SD/SDHC/SDXC 存儲卡

12。 松下 Lumix DC-GH5 II

Best 4K camera for video and filmmaking

Sensor size: Micro Four Thirds | Resolution: 20.3MP | Viewfinder: EVF | Monitor: 3-inch vari-angle display, 1,840,000 dots | Maximum continuous shooting rate: 12fps | Movies: 4K

Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 II is an amazing, picture-perfect video camera and stills camera, making it an ideal pick for content creators. It is the latest in the mirrorless Micro Four Thirds edition and comes with some serious and interesting updates from the GH5. The new anti-reflective coating reduces ghosting and flare.

The live streaming capability is superb, and with a great processor plus battery life, you can keep going for hours on the go. For faster frame rates, you even get an option for 4K and 6K photo modes. There’s a lot more in this Panasonic beast and with firmware updates being rolled out regularly, you get access to the latest features.

Pros Cons ➕ Stabilized sensor ➖ Video autofocus can drift ➕ The camera body is dust and splash protected ➖ Doesn’t support Raw video recording ➕ Dual UHS-II card slots ➕ 10-bit 4K60 internal recording ➕ Broad library of autofocus lenses

Latest Price on Amazon:

Sale 36 Reviews Panasonic LUMIX GH5M2, 20.3MP Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Camera with Live Streaming, 4K 4:2:2… THE ICONIC GH5, NOW WITH LIVE STREAMING: Attention hybrid content creators—the GH5M2 supports both wired and wireless unlimited live streaming for indoors and outdoors, together with a USB Power…VIDEO FORMAT OPTIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL USE: The GH5M2 is capable of unlimited video recording in various settings including C4K/4K 60p 4:2:0 10-bit and simultaneous output over HDMI during 4K 60p…PHOTO STYLE PRESETS MINIMIZE YOUR EDITING: Presets include V-LogL, Cinelike D2/V2, MonochromeS and L.ClassicNeo.POWERFUL IMAGE STABILIZATION: Advanced I.S. to 6.5-stop slower shutter speeds for stable handheld shooting. Double SD Memory Card slot for relay recording.WITHSTANDS HEAVY FIELD USE: The magnesium alloy full die-cast front/rear frame and is not only splash and dust resistant, but also freezeproof down to-10 °C (14°F).

13. GoPro Hero 9

Best affordable on the go camera

Sensor: CMOS Sensor | Resolution:  | Aspect Ratio: 16:9 | Shutter speed: 1/25 – 1/2000 Seconds (Photo)

The GoPro Hero 9 is arguably the most versatile and powerful action camera, with some great updates from its predecessors. It offers 5K video recording, a new front-facing display, and a bigger, reliable battery.

The overall performance is fabulous with HyperSmooth 3.0 stabilization, giving this camera an edge over the competitors. The new shooting modes through GoPro labs are another good addition for creatives to try something new.

Pros Cons ➕ Great price ➖ Larger than before ➕ Full-color front display ➖ Heavier ➕ 5K video and 20-mp photos ➖ No new slo-mo speeds ➕ Battery life has improved ➕ Useful new shooting features

Latest Price on Amazon:

3,942 Reviews GoPro HERO9 Black-Waterproof Action Camera with Front LCD and Touch Rear Screens, 5K Ultra HD… 5K Video-Shoot stunning video with up to 5K resolution, perfect for maintaining detail even when zooming in20MP Photo with SuperPhoto-Capture crisp, pro-quality photos with 20MP clarity. And with SuperPhoto, HERO 9 Black can automatically pick all the best image processing for youFront Display plus Rear Touch Screen-A new, larger rear touch screen with touch zoom on HERO9 Black and a dazzling new front display makes for easy framing and intuitive camera control.Included…Live Streaming plus Webcam-Live stream in 1080p on social, get HyperSmooth stabilization as you broadcastHyperSmooth 3.0-Experience the ultimate smoothness with our most advanced video stabilization ever

 14. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Image credit: Canon/Amazon

Best high-end camera for designers

Display: 8K | Resolution: 45MP | Type: Mirrorless | Sensor size: Full-frame | Lens: RF mount

When it comes to cameras with incredible performance, the Canon EOS 5D is definitely on the top of the list. With a 45 MP CMOS sensor and a Dual Pixel AF system, this camera is a great option to work with when shooting. Besides, its crisp camera quality works great for brand promotions and footage.

While it does come at a high price point, it also boasts an incredible 8K video resolution. So if you’re looking for the best camera for designers in terms of specs and performance, the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV is a perfect choice.



➕ Outstanding image quality ➖ The autofocus is underwhelming in lowlight settings ➕ Has quick autofocus and low shutter lag ➖ The default jpegs could be crisper ➕ Good battery life ➕ Comes with dual card slots

Latest Price on Amazon:

Sale 864 Reviews Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Full Frame Digital SLR Camera Body New 30.4 Megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor for versatile shooting in nearly any light, with ISO range 100-32000; expandable up to 50-102400 (equivalent ISO).4K Motion JPEG video (DCI cinema-type 4096 x 2160) at 30p or 24p; in-camera still frame grab of 4K 8.8-Megapixel images; multiple video options include Full HD up to 60p, and HD up to 120p.Superb Dual Pixel CMOS AF for responsive and smooth AF during video or live view shooting; LCD monitor has a full touchscreen interface, including selection of AF area.Excellent performance-up to 7.0 fps continuous shooting speed with high-performance DIGIC 6+ Image Processor for improved speed and excellent image quality.Use the EOS Utility Webcam Beta Software (Mac and Windows) to turn your Canon camera into a high-quality webcam, or do the same using a clean HDMI output.

15. Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera 

Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera. Image Credit: Amazon

Best beginner DSLR camera

Type: DSLR | Sensor size: CMOS (APS-C) | Resolution: 24.1 Mega Pixels | Lens: 18-55mm Lens |取景器:光學 | Screen type: 3.0-inch LCD with 920,000 Dots | Maximum continuous shooting speed: 3 fps |

The 24-megapixel Canon EOS Rebel T7 is an entry-level DSLR camera that comes at an affordable rate.

The Canon EOS Rebel T7 camera delivers better picture quality and more control over the images than most of the cameras and smartphones available. This particular model, the T7, comes with a lot of features, a 24-MP sensor, and also some performance improvements.

The new EOS Rebel T7 is one of the smaller DSLR camera in the market. The plastic material of the camera’s body makes it lightweight at 1.75 pounds, which includes the battery and the SD card. The measurement of the camera is 5.1 x 3.9 x 3.1 inches. The grip of the camera is wrapped in textured rubber that provides a comfort.

The continuous shooting and autofocus speed of this camera is good for any shooting conditions. The camera has a nine-point autofocus system that work with high-contrast scenes, so AF and continuous shooting are ideal with this camera.

The combination of price, features, and image quality makes the Rebel T7 a much sought-after DSLR camera because it is great for anyone who is on a budget. The T7 offers some basic and advanced features so you can choose between easy operation and control over your picture taking.

Pros Cons ➕ Easy to use  ➖ Slow continuous speed ➕ Affordable  ➖ Absence of 4K video ➕ Good image quality

Latest Price on Amazon:

16. Panasonic Lumix FZ300

Panasonic Lumix FZ300. Image Credit: Amazon

Best camera with 4K photo technology

Type: Long Zoom Digital Camera | Sensor size: High sensitivity MOS sensor | Resolution: 12.1 MP | Lens: Leica DC 24X F2.8 Zoom Lens | Viewfinder: 1.44m-dot resolution | Screen type: Large 3.0″ 1.04m-dot free-angle touchscreen LCD | Maximum continuous shooting speed: 12 fps | Movies: 4K

This Panasonic Lumix FZ300 camera has an exclusive 4K Photo technology that uses 30 frames per second. It has a high-resolution 4K video to extract them as photos. The Leica DC lens has a full F2 zoom range and an 8 aperture level for enhanced low light shooting that meets the stringent quality standards that have been set up by Leica.

The 12.1 MP high sensitivity MOS sensor with the venus engine excels in diffraction compensation. It yields images that are crisp and free from artifacts associated with the small aperture settings.

The FZ300 supports wireless image transfer when you pair it up with a free Panasonic image App for Android and iOS. The app supports geotagging and remote control with a Live view feed that displays on your phone’s screen. It is a smooth stream and you can tap to focus on the area.

This camera is splash proof and dust proof. It has tight seals in every joint, dial, and button, so it works fine even in the toughest weather conditions.

This camera comes with high-quality Neoprene material that has foam padding protection. The camera is protected from dust, dirt, scratches, bumps, and moisture as well.

Pros Cons ➕ Good image stabilization  ➖ Expensive ➕ Weather resistant ➕ Raw image capture

Latest Price on Amazon:

Sale 28 Reviews PANASONIC LUMIX FZ300 Long Zoom Digital Camera Features 12.1 Megapixel, 1/2.3-inch Sensor &… 4K video & 4K PHOTO-Panasonic’s exclusive 4K PHOTO technology uses 30 frames per second in high resolution 4K Ultra HD video to extract them as photos. You’ll never miss that moment againLeica DC VARIO-ELMARIT lens-24x zoom (25-600mm) with full zoom range F2. 8 aperture for enhanced low light shooting meeting the stringent quality standards established by LeicaHigh image quality-The 12. 1-Megapixel high sensitivity MOS sensor with the Venus engine excels in diffraction compensation, yielding images that are crisp & free from artifacts associated with…Rugged camera design-splash proof/dustproof rugged camera design with tight seals on every joint, dial and button, so it stands up to harsh weather conditions and challengingProtective and high quality Neoprene material and foam padding for protection. Protects camera from dust, dirt, scratches, bumps, and moisture

The Best Accessories for Cameras

1. Manfrotto 190XPro4

Manfrotto 190XPro4. Image credit: Amazon

Manfrotto 190XPro4 is a budget-friendly tripod that offers great value for your money. The bottom legs are strong enough and quick to deploy. The Ducati-inspired high-grip rubber leg warmers make the model easy to hold and provide a good grip in extreme temperatures. Its innovative center column allows you to take clicks from different angles, making it a good pick.

Latest Price on Amazon:

164 Reviews Manfrotto 190XPRO Aluminum 4-Section Tripod Kit with Ball Head (MK190XPRO4-BHQ2) 4-Section Aluminum Tripod with 90 Degree Center Column Mechanism-Extend vertically as normal as horizontallyBubble Level-for precise framing of the shotPolymer Rings-smooth and accurate movement without greaseEasy Link Connector-supports an accessory (like an LED light or reflector) on an extending arm or bracket transforming the tripod into a mobile studio

2. Canon RF 35mm

Canon RF 35mm. Image credit: Amazon

Canon RF 35mm is a versatile and fairly sensible lens to carry around. It is great for creatives and artists who are interested in travel, nature, street, portraits, and landscape photography. The image stabilization is also great, making it super easy to focus on closer objects. The control ring is excellent, and the camera responds without a delay.

Latest Price on Amazon:

909 Reviews Canon RF35mm F1.8 is Macro STM Lens, Black Compact macro Lens with 0.5x Magnification RatioMinimum Focusing Distance of 0.56 ft. ; 0.17MControl Ring for direct setting changesOptical Image Stabilization at up to 5 Stops of shake Correction12 pin Communication System

3. Canon 2140C001

Canon 2140C001. Image credit: Amazon

The Canon 2140C001 BR-E1 is a must-have remote controller for DSLRs that offers Bluetooth support. The pocket-sized remote is super effective when you want to click your own photos. You can even modify the focal length of the lens for zooming adjustments. With a battery life of over a year, you won’t have to worry about it on the go.

Latest Price on Amazon:

1,174 Reviews Canon 2140C001 Wireless Remote Control BR-E1,Black A wireless remote controller compatible with Bluetooth enabled cameras for wireless focusing, still shooting and video recordingZoom capability using the Power Zoom Adapter PZ-E1Operating distance is approximately 16 ft in any directionCompatible with: PowerShot G5 X Mark II, PowerShot G7 X Mark III, EOS Rebel T7i, EOS Rebel SL3, EOS M50, EOS M50 Mark II, EOS RP, EOS R, EOS R6, EOS R5, EOS R3, EOS R5 C

4. Elinchrom D-Lite RX 4/4 To Go

Elinchrom D-Lite. Image credit: Amazon

The Elinchrom D-Lite RX 4/4 is a great lighting rig with two studio strobes, softboxes, stands, and a transmitter. Priced reasonably and with 400 watts of power, it’s enough to illuminate large spaces for shooting photos and videos. And with easily replaceable strobe lights, it’s super affordable for creatives. It is a lightweight all-in-one kit that provides exceptional value.

Latest Price on Amazon:

141 Reviews Elinchrom Lighting Kit D-LITE RX 4/4 SOFTBOX TO GO, Black (EL20839.2) Complete lighting kit with two D-Lite RX 4 monolights with 100W modeling lamps and moreSky port delivers the most comprehensive synchronization and control, and it’s unique to the whole Elinchrom system. Your creative edge in lightingIntelligent pre-flash detector system enables the full use of D-Lite RX’s with speed lightsTemperature controlled cooling fanThe accessory bayonet accepts the complete range of light modifiers

Related Post: Best Photography Lighting Kits & Studio Lights

5. Hoya PRO1 Digital Circular PL 

Hoya PRO1. Image credit: Amazon

Hoya PRO1 Digital Circular is a polarizing filter, designed to reduce the reflection and glare of light while enhancing saturation and natural lighting. It also enhances the saturation and natural lights. This is a must-have tool for nature and landscape photographers. With this circular polarizing filter, the amount of enhancement is also adjustable to take perfect shots every time. The filter is equipped with a straight knurling edge for quick removal and attachment.

Latest Price on Amazon:

3,662 Reviews Hoya 37 mm Pro1 Digital Polarised Circular Filter for Lens, Black CIRCULAR PL filters allow you to remove unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water, glass etc.They also enable colors to become more saturated and appear clearer with better contrastThis effect is often used to increase the contrast and saturation in blue skies and white clouds

6. Zeiss Lens Cleaning Wipes

Zeiss Lens Cleaning Wipes. Image credit: Amazon

Don’t clean a lens with your shirt or other clothing! Zeiss lens cleaning wipes are the perfect solution. You can clean lenses safely, removing fingerprints, oil, dust, smudges, etc., without streaking or scratching. The individual disposable lens wipes are good to use on the go, and they come at a pretty reasonable price, too.

Latest Price on Amazon:

20,441 Reviews Zeiss Lens Wipes, White, 220 Count… GENTLE: Pre-moistened lens wipes gently clean glasses and lensesSAFE: Safe for cleaning lenses with anti-reflective coating or prescriptionEFFECTIVE: ZEISS lens wipes clean without leaving streaks or residueSCRATCH FREE: Guaranteed not to scratch glasses or lensesCONVENIENT: Individually wrapped, disposable lens wipes, for convenient use on the go

How to Choose a Camera for Graphic Design

When you head out shopping to choose the best digital camera for your graphic design needs, it can be very easy to become overwhelmed and just get easily frustrated and give up.

To offer some help, we wanted to take a bit of a closer look at the different types out there so you don’t look like a deer caught in the headlights at the store.

You must consider:

Your budget The different types of cameras available The features & quality required for your creative needs

What’s Your Budget?

Your budget will be the quickest way to narrow down your needs. Expect to pay approximately:

Budget: $400-$600 Mid-Range: $1000-$2500 High-End: $2500-$5500+

Different Types of Digital Cameras

Standard Compact Zoom Compact Adventure Cameras Advanced Compact Super Zoom (bridge) Compact (Mirrorless) System Cameras DSLR

1. Standard Compact ($)

Commonly known as a point-and-shoot camera, these tend to be small, light, and fairly cheap. They are usually the top choice for non-professionals when they first start taking digital photographs. Fully automatic, they can have some manual exposure options and are likely to have a built-in flash and LCD screen on the back. Many of these will have HD video options and in some cases, will let you access WiFi so you can upload your photos and videos instantly.

2. Zoom Compact ($)

While pretty similar to a standard compact camera, a zoom compact will usually benefit from a lens that has a more powerful zoom and can be a bit larger and sturdier. These types of cameras are usually equipped with HD video recording along with manual and automatic exposures. Some higher-end models will include GPS for geotagging.

3. Adventure Cameras ($$)

Adventure cameras are designed to withstand the elements that you might put them through. These will typically be waterproof, shockproof, and in some cases, even freeze proof. While similar in design to compact cameras, they will normally offer some limited manual exposure options, and a similar zoom encased in reinforced glass. These are a good choice for those looking for a basic digital camera and also enjoy the great outdoors.

4. Advanced Compact ($$)

At this point on the store shelf, the cameras tend to be designed more for those who are experienced photographers and come with the features and specifications that you may be looking for. With options such as manual exposure and manual focusing, an advanced compact camera may be a good choice for those who want more control over the photos that they take.

5. Super Zoom (bridge) ($$)

While the use of Super Zoom or bridge cameras has declined recently, for some, they are still a good stepping stone between a compact camera and a DSLR, which is where the bridge name comes from. These cameras are packaged with an SLR-type body which provides you with hand grips as well as an electronic viewfinder. These tend to come with a powerful zoom lens as well as image stabilization.

6. Compact (Mirrorless) System Cameras ($$$)

More professional photographers are beginning to invest in these types of cameras, which can allow interchangeable lenses to provide greater control over the pictures you are taking. CSC’s offer most of the features as well as the capabilities found in SLR cameras but can be lighter, smaller, and less expensive.

7. DSLR ($$$)

A DSLR is typically what a serious amateur or even professional photographer will use. Offering excellent image quality, a multitude of creative controls, and the ability to change lenses, their popularity is no surprise. Many will use a sensor size called APS-C while full-frame sensors tend to be found on higher-end models.

8. Medium Format Cameras ($$$$)

The cream of the crop, medium format cameras have even bigger sensors than a full-frame DSLR. This means that the image resolution is higher. However, this higher resolution comes at a price, literally. The cost of a medium format camera can reach prices up to $50,000. These are more than likely not going to be used by an amateur photographer.

Features to look for in Cameras

Once you know what type of camera you’re looking for, you want to make sure that the camera you’re buying has the features and specifications you’re looking for. But what should you look for? There are a lot of options out there. Let’s take a closer look at what you should look for in a camera.

Interchangeable or fixed lens Mirrorless or DSLR Photo quality Video quality/control Low-light quality Zoom Viewfinder Wireless

1. Interchangeable or fixed lens

Depending on the type of photography you may be doing, choosing between an interchangeable and fixed lens camera can come down to the advantages that both have to offer. With interchangeable lenses, you always have the option to buy another lens to suit your needs. However, this can add to the size of the camera while a fixed lens camera can be much smaller.

2. Mirrorless or DSLR

If you decide to go with an interchangeable lens, the next decision is whether you want a DSLR or mirrorless. Many people believe that DSLR cameras are the best option for high-quality, high-speed photos. This isn’t necessarily true because a mirrorless camera can be very similar to a DSLR. Some of the biggest differences lie in the better battery life of a DSLR camera and the cost of a DSLR is much cheaper than a mirrorless camera. A mirrorless camera can be a good choice if you’re shooting video because the autofocus performance and LCD view screen make it much easier to operate.

3. Photo quality

Ideally, this should truly be the first thing you consider when you choose a camera and if it is, you will want to consider the size of the sensor in the camera. As a general rule of thumb, bigger is better, but bigger also comes with a higher price.

4. Video quality/control

If you’re shooting casual video, a camera with good autofocus may work best. If your needs are a little more advanced, a camera with 4k support, customizable tone curves, lots of touchscreen controls plus frame rate options may be a better option for your needs.

5. Low-light quality

If you can see yourself taking a decent number of pictures in low-light situations, you’ll want to compare the maximum native ISO sensitivity capability. Choosing a camera with a large size sensor along with good image stabilization will allow you to use slower shutter speeds and take better pictures in low-light situations.

6. Zoom

For professionals, the level of zoom that can be achieved with their camera can make or break their career with the use of telephoto or super-telephoto lenses. For amateur photographers, a camera with a normal level of zoom can help you achieve some stunning photos. Deciding what types of photos you intend to take will help determine the level of zoom that’s best for you.

7. Viewfinder

The days of holding a camera up to your face and squinting through the viewfinder are a thing of the past with the inclusion of an LCD screen on the back of many cameras, making it easier to shoot pictures in direct sunlight. Using a viewfinder to take pictures also makes it easier to hold the camera steady.

8. Wireless

Most cameras on the market today will have some WiFi or Bluetooth integration options to upload photos to your computer right after you take them. Many times, this process will be done through a native app found on the camera itself. It is always a good idea to read reviews of the app prior to buying the camera.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which cameras are best for graphic designers?

Sony A7 III is the overall best camera for graphic designers.

What brand of camera do most professional photographers use?

Canon or Nikon DSLRs are the choices of many professional photographers.

Which camera has the best image quality?

What are the affordable camera options for beginners in the graphic design community?

Olympus Tough TG-6 is an affordable good digital camera for beginners in the graphic design community.

What is the best camera for filming and photography?

Fujifilm X-T4 is one of the best cameras for photography and videography. Some other options are Canon EOS R5, Sony A7C, Panasonic Lumix GH5 II.

What is the best budget camera for graphic designers?

What is the best 8k camera for designers?

The best 8k camera for designers would be the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV because of its incredible autofocus and image quality.

What is the best camera for designers on the go?

The Panasonic Lumix ZS200 is a compact camera for designers who are always traveling. Other than this, when it comes to being water-resistant, the GoPro Hero 9 is an excellent option.

Best Cameras for Graphic Designers & Creatives in 2023

When you’re on the hunt for a new camera, it can be tough to know which ones will be able to take care of your needs. Hopefully, with our list of the Best Cameras for Creatives in 2023, we’ve given you some options you can seriously consider.

What do you believe is the best camera for a graphic designer?

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By Kaitlynn Clay

我是一名用戶體驗專家。 我對網頁設計和用戶行為分析很感興趣。 在我休息的日子裡,我總是參觀藝術博物館。