Adobe Creative Cloud Express 是一種在線圖形設計工具,可在線和移動設備上使用。它可以幫助您創建社交媒體帖子、徽標、廣告等。
您可以在 Adobe 的網站上免費使用具有基本功能的此版本的 Adobe Creative Cloud Express。但是,您需要購買高級版軟件 如果您想完全訪問它提供的所有內容。
如果您已經訂閱了 Creative Cloud,則可以訪問 Creative Cloud Express 的高級版本。
現在,讓我們進入最好的 Adobe Creative Cloud Express 模板。
30 多個最佳 Adobe Creative Cloud Express 模板
Facebook 帖子模板
Facebook 活動模板 Facebook 生活方式模板 用於銷售和促銷的 Facebook 模板 季節性趨勢的 Facebook 模板 Facebook 照片
Instagram 帖子模板
時尚和美女 食物 生活方式和樂趣 季節性 Travel Posts
Instagram 故事模板
YouTube 縮略圖模板
徽章標誌 Monogram Logo Bu業務名稱和徽標 餐廳標誌 時尚與美容標誌
Adobe Cre ative Cloud 折扣 – 享受 65% 的折扣
在深入了解最佳 Adobe CC Express 模板之前,我們應該讓您知道,您可以通過我們的 Adobe Creative Cloud 折扣獲得 Adobe 軟件 65% 的折扣指導或直接跳轉到如何獲得 Adobe 學生折扣。
Adobe Creative Cloud Express 模板概述
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30 多個最佳 Adobe Creative Cloud Express 模板
1. Facebook 活動模板
事件模板。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express 通過 Creative Cloud Express 的活動模板。您可以使用這些模板創建私人活動的邀請。您還可以根據需要個性化內容。您還可以更改顏色和背景並添加動畫。
有各種 Facebook 模板可用於不同的事件。這些可以是從舉辦派對到開店的任何事情。如果這是一個常見的事件,你很可能會找到一個很棒的模板。如果這是一個非常具體的事件,您仍然可以找到與之相關的模板。您可以為您的特定事件進一步自定義它。
2. 生活方式的 Facebook 模板
生活方式模板。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express
這些 模板非常適合為生活技能廣告課程製作海報或橫幅。例如,如果您當地的社區正在為孩子們開設夏季游泳班。這些模板非常適合為生活技能廣告課程製作海報或橫幅。例如,您當地的社區正在為孩子們開設夏季游泳班。您完全可以使用此模板來使帖子更具吸引力。這些模板還可用於派對、夏季熱賣等!
3. 用於銷售和促銷的 Facebook 模板
銷售和促銷模板。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express 這些 銷售和促銷模板可用於為各種產品做廣告。這些 s 可以幫助您在 Facebook 上吸引觀眾的注意力。這將幫助您增加產品的銷量。
<強>4。 季節性趨勢的 Facebook 模板
季節性趨勢模板。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express季節性趨勢帖子是參與特殊假期的絕佳方式。這也是與觀眾保持聯繫的好方法。借助 Creative Cloud Express,您可以使用季節性趨勢模板輕鬆創建帖子。這是製作廣告和促銷活動的一種快速簡便的方法,讓您的觀眾知道您在這段時間還記得他們。
5. Facebook 照片
照片模板。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express
照片 是保存您的回憶的好方法。借助 Adobe Creative Cloud Express,您可以更長時間地重建和保存您的記憶。您也可以與親朋好友分享。
Instagram 帖子
1. 時尚與美容
時尚美容貼。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express Instagram 是發佈時尚和美容信息的完美平台。它是一個以視覺為主的平台,因此非常適合這個特定行業。這真是天作之合。
它適用於 時尚和美容行業。您可以使用此主題創建 Instagram 帖子。它可以幫助您保持相關性、時尚性並緊跟最新趨勢。
2. 食物
美食帖。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express Instagram 是推廣您的餐廳的最佳平台之一,尤其是當您提供視覺上引人入勝的服務時 食物。它可以用作出色的營銷策略,最棒的是,您可以免費使用!
3. 生活方式和樂趣
生活方式和樂趣帖子。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express生活方式可以是任何東西,從你每天穿的衣服到你的隨意想法。生活方式帖子是它們自己的一個特殊類別。他們有自己的計劃和創建新內容的方式。
生活方式帖子是您在特定時間或對特定事件的想法。這是表達您對特定社會問題的看法的最佳方式。 Create Cloud Express 模板可以用來列舉您的想法。
雖然簡單的背景對於生活方式帖子來說是可以接受的,但這並不理想或有趣。您可以使用 Creative Cloud Express 創建視覺上引人入勝的演示文稿。如果您用出色的圖形展示您的想法,您還可以吸引更多觀眾。
4. 季節性
季節性。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express 名稱 seasonal 表示這些帖子與特定季節相關。 Instagram 是一個很棒的社交媒體平台,可用於將您最美好的祝福傳遞給親人。
任何季節或節日的美好祝福都可以使用模板更好地表達。您可以藉助 Creative Cloud Express 中提供的預製模板創建 Instagram 帖子。
5. 旅遊郵報
旅遊貼。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express是遊記Creative Cloud Express 中提供的模板可幫助您的觀眾充分欣賞這些地方的美景。
Instagram 故事
<強>1。 業務
商業故事。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express 多年來,Instagram Stories 吸引了潛在的新客戶。您可以通過它加強與客戶的關係。您可以使用這些宣傳帖子將觀眾鏈接到您的 Instagram 帳戶。
如果正在進行銷售,您的企業可以發布 Instagram 快拍。它會通知您的關注者。企業主可以使用 Creative Cloud Express 模板創建 Instagram 故事。
2. 食物和飲料
美食美酒故事。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express Instagram Stories 是傳播限時優惠和促銷信息的絕佳平台。例如,如果您是一家小餐館,並且您以 食物您提供服務,那麼 Instagram 快拍是您展示那些日子的完美平台特價。
所有這些都可以通過 Creative Cloud Express 上提供的模板輕鬆快速地完成。這裡有很多模板,您可以使用它們來幫助提升您的食物照片。如果您的食物本身就已經很誘人,那麼這些模板會讓它們變得無法抗拒。
3. 交互式會話
互動會話故事。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express交互式會話 模板以進行投票或活動並獲得關注者的響應。這是與您的關注者互動和互動的一種有趣的小方式。您甚至可以將這些故事作為您的追隨者可以在他們自己的故事中分享的內容的模板。
Creative Cloud Express 可幫助您為此類創意創建引人入勝的圖形。您甚至可以在這裡找到現成的問題來幫助您入門。
4. 銷售和促銷
銷售和促銷故事。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express 使用任何 Flash 促銷活動。如果所售商品有限且售完即止,這一點尤為重要。它為您的追隨者創造了一種緊迫感,因此,激勵他們過來。
借助 Creative Cloud Express,您可以快速創建宣傳帖子。如果您的銷售速度很快,您可以快速創建自定義圖形。
5. 旅行
旅行故事。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express Instagram 關於您的 旅行是一回事,但發布關於它的 Instagram 故事本身就是一種完全不同的藝術形式。由於它只會在您的個人資料中保留 24 小時,因此它必須非常引人注目。
記錄您的旅行的一種好方法是按時間順序將它們發佈到您的 Instagram 快拍中。您可以添加背景和其他元素,使其看起來像剪貼簿頁面。您還可以添加有助於解釋您所在位置的文本。
創建一個關於您要去的位置的敘述是與您的關注者建立聯繫的好方法。這就像你帶著他們一起進行一場狂野的冒險。為了使您的所有旅行照片更加迷人,您可以使用 Creative Cloud Express 上的模板。
YouTube 縮略圖
1. 攝影
攝影縮略圖。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express
攝影是許多人喜歡的愛好。您可以通過觀看 YouTube 視頻了解有關攝影的更多信息。他們在購買相機之前閱讀評論和建議。
使用 Creative Cloud Express 可以輕鬆地在這個領域創建內容。有許多以美麗的風景和攝影為特色的模板。這些模板可以完全代表您的內容。
2. 商業
商業縮略圖。圖片來源:Adobe Creative Cloud Express 在線有許多年輕和嶄露頭角的企業家。一些企業家才剛剛起步,而另一些企業家則想要迎合他們特定領域的視頻。您會在 YouTube 上發現許多喜歡觀看有關企業管理的視頻的用戶。
作為專注於這一領域的內容創作者,您必須製作能夠吸引觀眾的縮略圖。您還必須確保縮略圖清楚地說明了該特定視頻的主題。 Creative Cloud Express 擁有大量縮略圖模板,可幫助您做到這一點。
3. Fashion
Fashion Thumbnail. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressFashion will always be one of the most talked-about industries. Trends keep on changing and keeping up with them is a challenge by itself. As a fashion designer, you can create YouTube videos to educate your viewers on the latest trends in fashion design.
You can use many templates in Creative Cloud Express to help you make attractive thumbnails for fashion. There are different styles to cater to different season of fashion. You can also find updated templates for the current trends in fashion.
4. Music
Music Thumbnail. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressYouTube is the perfect platform to release music videos if you’re a budding artist. It’s free and you’re able to reach out to a wide variety of audiences globally. To even boost the chances of your music going viral, creating a music video to go with it is a great idea.
Need a thumbnail to go with that awesome music video that you have? Creative Cloud Express has tons of professionally made templates that you can use as your YouTube thumbnail. You can further customize it by adding clips of elements from your music video. This helps you make the thumbnail fully your own.
5. Travel
Travel Thumbnail. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressYouTube is one of the best platforms to post your travel vlogs. It’s a new experience to see travels through videos compared to photos. It’s much more immersive and engaging to the point that you feel like you’re there with the content creator.
To help your viewers get even more excited to watch your travel content, you have to pair it with an enticing thumbnail. Creative Cloud Express has tons of templates that will help you do just that. You can insert snippets of your travel content on the thumbnail to fully customize it for your content.
Logo Templates
1. Badge Logo
Badge Logo. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressIf you want to make your organization and its products distinctive, you need a unique logo so that people can easily identify you. Creative Cloud Express has templates that help you get started with your logo design ideas.
You’ll be able to browse a wide variety of badge logos for different kinds of businesses. Each of them has its own style so you’re bound to find one that will fit your business’s aesthetic.
It’s important to note that these templates should serve only the purpose of templates. These shouldn’t be the final logo for your business. If you use just a template for your business’s logo, then it wouldn’t be unique. You should add and edit these templates to suit your business needs fully.
2. Monogram Logo
Monogram Logo. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressA monogram logo is made up of a single letter or multiple letters that make up the initials of the business. This is used for businesses that have considerably long names. If their logos are made up of only 1 letter or a few letters, it’s easier for their target audience to remember their name.
Letters are easy to choose from, but the design around them is another story altogether. For inspiration, you can use Creative Cloud Express’ monogram templates to fully represent your brand.
3. Business Name and Logo
Business. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressWhen you start a business of your own, it can take time to develop a new business name can take time. Creative Cloud Express can help you determine what kind of unique name you should give your business.
To create a name logo, you’ll need to answer a few questions to give Creative Cloud Express an idea of your vision. Next, you’ll need to choose an aesthetic that closely resonates with your idea. You will then get dozens of logo ideas you can customize to call your own entirely.
4. Restaurant Logo
Restaurant Logo. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressRestaurant logos should be designed to be direct to the point and easy to read. This is because some of your customers have only a fraction of a second to look at your logo and decide whether they want to eat.
Your logo should also be unique and identifiable. Remember, there are millions, and probably billions, of restaurants out there. How is yours going to stand out?
Creative Cloud Express helps you get started on the right track to creating a memorable restaurant logo. It has a wide variety of options that can inspire you and, hopefully, find the right one for you.
5. Fashion & Beauty Logo
Fashion and Beauty Logo. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressFashion and beauty logos are also no match for Creative Cloud Express. You’ll be able to find a wide variety of logo templates that will fit the aesthetic that you have in mind for your business. These logos are perfect for clothing stores, wellness spas, hair salons, and other similar businesses.
You can browse through their wide selection of templates and customize your chosen template to represent your brand entirely.
Flyer Templates
1. Flyer for s
Flyer. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressAn advertising flyer is a single sheet of paper that is used to tell people about a product, service, or event. It can also be focused on sharing an interesting piece of information. The aim of advertising flyers is simple. It brings attention to a specific topic and spreads the word about it.
There are a lot of template designs available in Creative Cloud Express that help you create an attractive flyer design. You’ll be able to find one that fits both the topic you wish to advertise and the aesthetic you’re going for. If not, you can always tweak existing templates to your needs.
2. Flyer for Events
Event Flyer. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressEvent flyers have a special charm to them. It helps people get updated with the events that are happening around them. These flyers can also be a form of an invitation to exclusive events. But to get people excited about these events, the flyers themselves must be exciting.
To help you with this problem, you can always check out the templates in Creative Cloud Express. There are tons of templates that will fit your specific event.
3. Flyer for Sales
Sales Flyer. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressSale flyers are a sure-fire way to get people rushing into your business. It gets people informed and excited about what you can offer. With the help of Creative Cloud Express, you can make the flyer itself as exciting as it can be.
4. Flyer for School Events
School Flyer. Image Credits: Creative Cloud ExpressAs a teacher, when it comes to getting word to parents, a physical flyer that kids can give to parents goes a long way. This is especially true if you’re working with younger students. It helps them remember details accurately compared to just telling them about the event.
Creative Cloud Express has tons of templates that are kid and school-friendly. You can then customize these templates with the information about your event.
Collage Templates
1. Accommodation Collages
Accommodation Collage. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressWhen you’re in the industry of selling and renting out spaces, a photo collage is a perfect way to showcase your space. You can put in the highlights or specialties of the spaces you’re selling or renting out. You can also include the amenities that come with the space. It’s a great way to show potential buyers or renters all the best points of your space.
Creative Cloud Express has tons of templates made by professionals that you can use for your collage. It’s guaranteed to make your collage look stunning and enticing.
2. Product List Collages
Product List Collage. Image Credit: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressProduct photos are a great way to let your target audience know what you’re offering. A visual representation of what you’re selling is a great way to entice them to buy it. These photos will also help your target audience visualize themselves with the products you’re offering.
Creative Cloud Express has multiple eye-catching collage templates that you can use for your product list. You can choose to present them in a minimalist organized manner or go for a more editorial and scrapbook style. You can then upload your own photos and customize the text to tell your target audience what you’re offering.
3. Real Estate Collages
Real Estate Collage. Image Credit: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressThe real estate industry is very dependent on photos. People need to see the estate for them to be able to determine if it’s something they want to invest in or not. That’s why real estate agents always get nice photos of the estates they’re selling.
Since there’s a lot to showcase when selling real estate, a photo collage is a great way to have them all in one place. You won’t need to send over lots of photos to prospects. You’ll just send them one big collage of all the rooms and amenities of the real estate.
Creative Cloud Express has various collage templates that can help you with this. You can choose from a wide variety of aesthetics to fit the vibe of the estate you’re selling.
Card Templates
1. Birthday Cards
Birthday. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud TemplatesSending a greeting card to wish someone well is one of the happiest feeling on earth. Creative Cloud template has got various templates in it that can make this occasion even more exciting.
2. Baby Shower Cards
Baby Shower. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressBaby Shower cards are a great way of expressing about a new member of your family. It is a happy occasion and Adobe’s Creative Cloud Express has a lot of card templates that can be used for the said purpose.
3. Congratulations Cards
Congratulations Card. Image Credit: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressAchievement of a milestone gives a person immense satisfaction in life. Wishing someone congratulations with a card can make a person much happier. The templates of the Adobe Creative Cloud Express help you to do that.
4. Thank You Cards
Thank You Cards. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressMuch like a card congratulating someone, a thank you card can go a long way to expressing to someone how much you appreciate them, the help they give you or a gift they sent you. The Thank You cards template can help make creating poignant thank you cards easy.
5. Valentine Cards
Valentine Cards. Image Credits: Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressYou may have the words that you want to say to a person but not the skills to create an awesome-looking Valentine’s Day card. Creative Cloud Express helps you with that problem. You can easily browse through the wide collection of ready-made card templates and then customize them with your personal heartfelt message.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Instagram posts and Instagram Stories?
Instagram Stories appear in your account only for 24 hours. Instagram posts, on the other hand, remain in your account until you delete them.
When did Adobe Spark become Adobe Express?
In 2021, Adobe announced that Adobe Spark has become Adobe Creative Cloud Express or Adobe Express for short.
What is the difference between Adobe Express and Adobe Spark?
To cut the very long explanation, Adobe Express has everything Adobe Spark had and more. Some of the added functions of Adobe Express are the ability to search and access Adobe Stock photos and Adobe Fonts from the app itself.
Where can I buy a Premium Adobe Express membership?
Are Adobe Creative Cloud Express templates available for free?
Unfortunately, not all of the templates are free. There are some that you need to purchase before you can use them.
30+ Best Adobe Creative Cloud Express Templates
Adobe Creative Cloud Express was made with non-designers in mind. Adobe made sure that creating art and high-quality graphics was accessible to all users. They wanted to create a tool that will help non-designers bring their imagination and ideas to life.
The templates of Adobe Creative Cloud Express were made by professionals. You can therefore be assured that your graphics look amazing right off the bat. The drag and drop feature makes it easy for anyone to fully customize these templates.
There are templates for social media posts and cards you can give to loved ones. Additionally, you can choose one that fits your event’s theme or aesthetic. Find the right template and customize it to make it yours.
Were you able to find the right template for your needs? Do you want more specific templates? Let us know in the comments!